The Consulate General of Japan held a reception on the occasion of the country’s National Day on Wednesday at the residence of Consul General Matahiro Yamaguchi in Jeddah. The reception was attended by Ambassador Jamal Bakr Belkhour, director general of Protocol Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Makkah Region Branch, Jeddah’s diplomatic community, Saudi businessmen and media figures in addition to Japanese community in the Western region.
Yamaguchi welcomed guests and stressed on the excellent relationship and cooperation between Japan and the Kingdom.
“I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your presence with us in this evening to celebrate the birthday of the emperor of Japan. It is my pleasure to inform you that he is in good health and will turn 81 on 23rd of this month,” he said.
He further noted that Japanese and Saudi people enjoy a deep friendship due to the mutual respect and appreciation carried between the Japanese imperial family and the Saudi royal family, the outstanding official relations created through regular visits, the popular contacts through scholarship programs, trade, youth exchange programs, tourism visits and the technical cooperation founded between the universities and institutes of the two countries.
“We have more than 90 Japanese companies working in the Kingdom, of which 40 are active in the Western Region; we have mega joint venture projects for the benefit of our two friendly peoples and Japan is ready to give more in the fields of renewable energy, water, infrastructure, metro and railway projects and all development projects needed by the kingdom,” he said.
He praised the attention paid by the Kingdom’s government under the leadership of King Abdullah and Crown Prince Salman to the development projects in infrastructures, energy, metro and trains projects and water, confirming that Japan is ready to provide its huge experience and technical expertise to the Kingdom.
Ambassador Belkhourand, Yamaguchi and a cluster of diplomats cut the cake to celebrate the occasion.
Some Japanese cars companies participated at the event by showing their luxury 2015 model cars.
Japanese community holds National Day celebrations
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