Trends show a rise in terms of both Islamophobia and antisemitism, but in America more concern is expressed for the latter, often exaggerated by politically weaponized pro-Israel agendas and growing animosity toward Arabs. Although this may seem to only be a problem for Arabs and Muslims in America, it is actually an early warning sign that could portend long-term problems for these communities worldwide.
The White House and Congress have recently stepped up efforts to punish pro-Palestinian student protesters by denying them their constitutional right to free speech when they express legitimate criticism of Israeli violence against Muslims and Christians in the Gaza Strip.
President Donald Trump, with the backing of the pro-Israel Congress, in January signed an executive order to “combat antisemitism,” calling for tougher action on colleges.
Last week, for example, the federal government cut $400 million in grants that were due to Columbia University, one of the nation’s preeminent educational institutions, because students there protested against Israel’s indiscriminate killing of women and children in the Gaza Strip.
Other universities are also being targeted, such as the prestigious DePaul University in Chicago, which was founded by Vincentians, a Catholic organization that helps the poor. Investigations have been launched into four other universities for allegations of tolerating antisemitism, including Northwestern University in suburban Chicago and the University of California at Berkeley, which has often been identified as a leader in free speech. Also targeted are Portland State University in Oregon and the University of Minnesota.
The campaign against pro-Palestinian protests was also augmented when the Anti-Defamation League — a political organization that conflates criticism of Israel’s government with hatred of Jews — last month released the results of a survey that purports to show a rise in antisemitism.
This is not a fight against antisemitism. Instead, it is the augmentation of an unconstitutional political campaign to silence supporters of Palestinian rights.
Ignored in all of this is the fact that hatred targeting Arabs in America is not only at an all-time high, but it continues unabated and unaddressed by the White House or Congress.
It is a new trend to criticize anything Palestinian while defending everything Israeli. It does not matter that Israel is a foreign country that shields its war crimes behind the false veil of weaponized antisemitism.
The American news media is complicit, reporting on every instance of alleged antisemitism in lengthy and detailed reports, while marginalizing stories on the increase in Islamophobia and ignoring instances of racism against Arabs.
All this is a result of how “hate” has become politicized.
Democrats in Congress last month reintroduced a bill known as the Combating International Islamophobia Act, which has already been ignored by Republicans and the White House. If approved, the State Department would be required to create a special envoy to monitor anti-Muslim bigotry globally. One of the sponsors of the bill is a prominent Jewish member of Congress, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who has taken a more moderate approach to the Middle East conflict than her Republican rivals.
In fact, concerns about rising Islamophobia have been more prominent elsewhere in the world than in America, where so many anti-Muslim incidents have occurred. One of the leaders in warning about the “alarming rise” in Islamophobia has been the UN, attracting criticism from Israel, the White House and Congress. The ADL has consistently used accusations of antisemitism to respond to rising expressions of concern by UN officials over the increasing Israeli violence against Palestinians.
In contrast to the US, the British government last month created a working group to provide it with a working definition of Islamophobia, while cautioning that confronting anti-Muslim hate “must be compatible with the unchanging right of British citizens to exercise freedom of speech and expression.” This is the exact opposite approach being taken by Congress and the White House, which is calling for stronger measures to block protests against Israel’s government policies.
These changes in how the West views the hatred of individuals because of their race or religion are fueling the political activism that is undermining the international rule of law and empowering those who wish to silence those who speak out against favored political policies or favored foreign governments.
Unable to hear both sides fairly, the public is likely to embrace the distorted view that essentially makes Islamophobia more acceptable.
Ray Hanania
It may not appear to be a problem for the Arab world today, but it is. These policies, which augment and broaden antisemitism to include political issues in defense of Israel and that are unrelated to hate, are marginalizing the growing hatred of Muslims.
The political movement to weaponize anti-Muslim sentiment in America will skew the public’s perception of the issue. Unable to hear both sides fairly, the public is likely to embrace the distorted view that essentially makes Islamophobia more acceptable.
The Arab and Muslim worlds really need to make a greater effort to speak out on the issues of Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism. So far, expressions of concern have not been matched by programs or funding to educate the public and push back against the rising hatred.
For the region, it may not seem important that Islamophobia is being weaponized and empowered in America in both obvious and subtle ways, but it will result in long-term consequences for the Middle Eastern countries that may be hoping for improved relations with America and the West.
The Arab world should be more vocal in defending the rights of pro-Palestinian protesters at American universities and colleges or face a future of growing animosity among Americans toward the Middle East.
- Ray Hanania is an award-winning former Chicago City Hall political reporter and columnist. He can be reached on his personal website at X: @RayHanania