MAKKAH: An expert on the subject of large gatherings has said that in its control of the numbers attending the annual pilgrimage, the Kingdom has shown it has mastered the art of crowd management.
Workers in the Hajj sector aim at making the pilgrimage experience smoother and safer.
And crowd management expert Akram Jan said that the Kingdom’s practitioners are playing a leading role in implementing the latest best international practices.

Presidency officials to follow the flow of crowds at the Grand Mosque Source: Presidency of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques. (Supplied)
He said: “The people in charge of the crowd management system during the Hajj seasons, especially in the last decade, have become accustomed to receiving and dealing with millions of pilgrims — according to mathematical calculations and fluidity in mobility — on which organizational plans are developed every year.”
He said that continuous organizational plans to improve and raise the level of service had been developed by using existing infrastructure as much as possible, in addition to building a basic database for planning and identifying the public transport situation in Makkah.
Jan added that Saudi Arabia had become a pioneer in organizing crowds, managing to provide the best services and facilities while ensuring a smooth flow of movement in the space around the Kaaba.

Presidency officials to follow the flow of crowds at the Grand Mosque Source: Presidency of the Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques. (Supplied)
He said there were technical ways to analyze crowds. These methods are used for organizing large gatherings in Europe and calculate with high precision, allowing observers and analysts to predict numbers.
Those responsible for grouping and crowd management at the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque have allocated more than 400 qualified field employees for the task of organizing the entry, exit and movement of pilgrims and visitors inside the Grand Mosque.
Osama bin Mansour Al-Hujaili, undersecretary-general for grouping and crowds management, told Arab News that the system at the Grand Mosque worked to arrange the movement of worshippers and pilgrims according to grouping field plans.
He said that employees were keen to prevent crowding in prayer areas and led worshippers to other locations to ensure better organization.
He added: “The employees of the agency are always implementing qualitative programs and initiatives to harness them and develop the best solutions for pilgrims’ grouping.”
Al-Hujaili said that panel discussions and periodic meetings took place to discuss developments in spatial guidance for crowds. Various studies were implemented and proposals developed, along with mechanisms for determining paths and prayer areas according to operational plans.