Raed Al-Humaid is the chief executive officer of the Saudi Tadawul Group’s Securities Depository Center Co. (Edaa).
He is also a board member of the Securities Clearing Center Co., known as Muqassa.
Prior to becoming CEO in 2021, he spent more than 20 years working in various leadership roles at the Capital Market Authority.
In 2018, as CMA deputy for market institutions, he reported directly to the authority’s chairman, Mohammed El-Kuwaiz. In other positions, he was responsible for directing and overseeing all regulatory and supervisory aspects of capital market intermediaries and institutions in Saudi Arabia.
He also represented the authority on a number of steering committees in the Kingdom and international standards-setting committees, including those within the International Organization of Securities Commissions, the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, and the IOSCO-CPMI standing group.
Al-Humaid played a key role in the transformation of the Saudi Stock Exchange into a holding group – the Saudi Tadawul Group – helping to align its subsidiary’s infrastructures and procedures with international standards to build and strengthen bridges between local issuers and international investors.
He was recently involved in implementing a bundle of post-trade infrastructure enhancements, and previously provide support in creating a new channel for foreign investors to participate in the Saudi capital market.
Prior to joining Edaa, he led programs related to the regulatory activities of authorization, inspection, anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, compliance, market surveillance, and analysis.
Al-Humaid gained a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from King Saud University in 2001, and seven years later a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Hull in the UK.