Yemeni army forces take down Iran-built Houthi military aircraft west of Al-Jouf province

Eight Houthi militants were killed and others wounded by government forces after trying to infiltrate Yemeni army positions in the same province. (File/AFP)
  • The military forces shot down a plane carrying explosives this morning in the Masloub Directorate, and after examining the wreckage it was found to be made in Iran
  • Eight Houthi militants were killed and others wounded by government forces after trying to infiltrate Yemeni army positions in the same province

DUBAI: Yemen’s army shot down a Houthi military aircraft west of Al-Jouf province on Tuesday, Saudi state news channel Al-Ekhbariya reported.

A statement issued on the Yemeni Ministry of Defense’s official website ‘September Net’ read that “the military forces shot down a plane carrying explosives this morning in the Masloub Directorate, and after examining the wreckage it was found to be made in Iran.”

Also, eight Houthi militants were killed and others wounded by government forces after trying to infiltrate Yemeni army positions in the same province.