Indonesian Muslims protest China’s detention of Uighurs

Some detained Muslims are forced to work in factories and tracked clothing made in one camp to an American sportswear company. (File/AFP)
  • The protesters, almost outnumbered by police, waved banners and flags bearing the Islamic declaration of faith
  • An estimated 1 million Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region are detained in camps where they are subjected to political indoctrination

JAKARTA, Indonesia: Several hundred protesters chanted “God is Great” and “Get out, communist!” outside China’s embassy in the Indonesian capital, demanding an end to mass detentions of Uighur Muslims.
The protesters, almost outnumbered by police, waved banners and flags bearing the Islamic declaration of faith.
Protest organizer Slamet Ma’arif told the crowd its brothers were “suffering oppression, torture and cruelty by the Chinese communist government.”
He said Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation, should expel China’s ambassador.
An estimated 1 million Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region are detained in camps where they are subjected to political indoctrination and pressured to give up their religion.
The Associated Press reported this week that some are forced to work in factories and tracked clothing made in one camp to an American sportswear company.