JEDDAH: The Hajj Security Forces, which are assigned to regulate the entry of pilgrims into Makkah and the holy sites, have turned away more than 95,000 people for failing to carry authorized Hajj permits.
The commander of the Hajj Security Forces, Gen. Khalid Al-Harbi, said 95,400 people who tried to enter Makkah from different parts of the Kingdom were turned away during the period between July 20-Aug. 12.
He said the authorities will not tolerate anyone disturbing the Hajj atmosphere or violating its regulations.
Those coming without Hajj permits and those who transport unauthorized Hajjis will be strictly dealt with and referred to the appropriate authorities for the prescribed penalties, he said.
He added the security forces will track down violators, even inside the holy sites, through random fingerprint checks, in addition to security precautions at the entrances of Makkah and roads leading to holy sites, and through surveillance cameras deployed at the entrances of the holy sites.
Al-Harbi stressed the importance of cooperation between citizens, residents and security authorities to provide a suitable atmosphere for legitimate pilgrims. He urged all those wanting to perform Hajj to comply with the regulations, including obtaining Hajj permits.
Over 95,000 people turned away for lacking Hajj permits
Over 95,000 people turned away for lacking Hajj permits