DUBAI: Dubai-based carrier Emirates Airline has announced the suspension of its flights to and from Doha as several countries, including the UAE, severed ties with Qatar on Monday.
Following government directives, Emirates will suspend flights starting Tuesday morning.
The last flight from Dubai to Doha will depart at 02:30 am on June 6 while the last flight from Doha to Dubai will depart as 03:50 am on June 6.
Other airlines, including FlyDubai, Etihad Airways and Air Arabia, have also announced similar moves, while Qatar Airways has suspended flights to Saudi Arabia.
The move comes as Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, the Maldives and Libya cut ties with Qatar, which stands accused of backing terrorism.
Emirates suspends flights to Doha as UAE cuts ties with Qatar
Emirates suspends flights to Doha as UAE cuts ties with Qatar