Registration for elderly, people with special needs underway

Registration for elderly, people with special needs underway
Updated 04 February 2017

Registration for elderly, people with special needs underway

Registration for elderly, people with special needs underway

RIYADH: The Citizen Account program’s General Supervisor Engineer Majed Al-Osaimi said that 426 social organizations and development centers were coordinating efforts to assist the elderly as well as individuals with special needs to register for the Citizen Account program throughout the Kingdom.
Al-Osaimi praised the support and cooperation of all these organizations and social development centers in the country and noted that the goal was to facilitate registration in the Citizen Account program of the elderly and individuals with special needs.
Beneficiaries of this social insurance program were appended to the Citizen Account program last Sunday after having met the eligibility requirements, he said.
Al-Osaimi said at least 1,700,439 applications were registered for the Citizen Account program by Friday, of whom, 1,107,859 had all the information registered in full.
He said the general indicators are that registration in the program is “very good.”
Registration can only be made online at, he stressed.
The program that covers the entire nation was established to protect Saudi families from the projected direct and indirect effects of economic reform measures by providing direct cash allowances to beneficiaries.
No supporting documents are required at this stage, according to Al-Osaimi.
“Applicants will be given ample time to provide these and will be contacted at a later stage to inform them of deadlines for uploading these documents,” he added.
Inquiries or concerns regarding registration in the program can be made by contacting 19912, or through Twitter at @citizenaccount.